A new interface

My 9 years old Pocket PC desided to show the map in an inverse style sometimes this summer. I desided to look for a new one and found the Garmin 620 which I will try to hook up to my Zigbee net thruogh my Mbed ARM.


some slow progress

I managed to get connected with the add hoc mode. I am not sure if this is the way to go but it is fun to play around with the roving module and try to understand what I am doing.


First try with a Mac

I allways wanted to make some embedded development on a Mac. Now it seems like it it possible with the mbed which is a cloud environment with all the tools on the net. At the moment there is no debugger so I will have to make it right from the beginning or do some guessing.


No smoke, no smell

But also no connection in the beginning. It turned out I put the boost regulator pins in a little wrong position. But now I am up and running and probably need to study the manual a bit better.

some connection

Trying out wlan

I like to try out a module from Rowing Networks wich is supposed to be able to run on very low power. I got it from a swedish distributer and realized I would have been able to get hold of a later version from abroad. But I believe the one I got will give me some feeling if this is the way to go. I will probably be running in adhoc mode and be able to see the measured data in most devices supporting wlan with no special program installed.


Stepping over version 2.0

I am still using the version from last season.I think the new one will not be enough an improvement. I have not shifted the batteries from last year and they are still working

Last seasons version

One more change of PC

My daugther is using the PC were I have the Eclipse IDE and she is using it most of her awakened time.
So I copied the software to a small HP notebook, with some small struggles with the Eclipse I am now back on track and has got the hardware running with full functionality.
Now I also have to get the old programs for storing pictures in the small Oled display to work.

My work is a bit to equal to this project at the moment

I feel my small hobby project is moving forward a bit slower than previously.
Perhaps it is because I am working with the same processor at my work so I get enough
stimulis from that.
The on off function looks a little peculiar but I think it will be a be smother when there is a proper load.

3 volts ramping up

The solder fumes are back

The only button in this project is driving a NPN transistor to turn on a relay. The output of the relay is driving current into the base of the transistor making it keep alive. When the program is finished it turns the base low making everything turn off. Currently I have no patent of this design in the US.


Some slow progress

I am moving forward towards the summer season in a slow pace.
Maybe I'm too certain some of the old parts are going to work without much work.
I am about to make a very small circuit board for the on/off part based on the hardware from last season.

My etch work

Mechanical progress

I found a box I liked and got to do some work with the Dremel. My girlfriend is worried about smashing the display wich is mounted hanging out from the box.

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