Bluetooth improved version
I am aiming at a "notify" version of the implementation.
Bluetooth support
Playing around with the Xiao Esp32c3 I will provide bluetooth support.
Wifi support
So this is a Seeeduino with Wifi setup to market my tent sauna in the Swedish archipelago.
Yet a new small board for the water sensor.
Some etchwork for the relayboard.
I have not tried this for some years but it is still fun.
Yet another display
I will try to incorporate a 4D Arduino display into a thea box.
Trying out a tiny display
I am trying out the Arduino 1.3 inch 240*240 display. Please escuse the miss spelling.
Up and running
It is now up and running, battery 1 is a lithium and 2 is an Optima spiracell.
Ready for a field test.
The output to the relay
This is the output to the bistable relay, I only tested it for some limited time.
New analog hw for the fridge
I added some analog hw with a bistabile relay to support additional batteries for the fridge.
Valid measurement received.
Connecting the Diablo to Ti F2013
Water measurement
I made a prototype for water measurements.