Bluetooth improved version

I am aiming at a "notify" version of the implementation.
Bluetooth support

Playing around with the Xiao Esp32c3 I will provide bluetooth support.
Wifi support

So this is a Seeeduino with Wifi setup to market my tent sauna in the Swedish archipelago.
Yet a new small board for the water sensor.

Some etchwork for the relayboard.
I have not tried this for some years but it is still fun.

Yet another display
I will try to incorporate a 4D Arduino display into a thea box.

Trying out a tiny display
I am trying out the Arduino 1.3 inch 240*240 display. Please escuse the miss spelling.

Up and running
It is now up and running, battery 1 is a lithium and 2 is an Optima spiracell.

Ready for a field test.

The output to the relay
This is the output to the bistable relay, I only tested it for some limited time.

New analog hw for the fridge

I added some analog hw with a bistabile relay to support additional batteries for the fridge.
Valid measurement received.

Connecting the Diablo to Ti F2013

Water measurement
I made a prototype for water measurements.

Introducing kind of rough look

New display
I have started to try out a new display with the Diablo processor.

Mounted to fit the dry box

Now I have had the first positive response from the Rockblock module.

Slow step forward
GPS and display is up and running.

Slow webb
Starting up modest with an Arduino which will conect to a gps and sattelite transiver.
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