Measuring resistor mount

I assembled the measuring resistor in a discrete box on top of the control unit for the compressor.

Solar panel mounting

Serious mounting

It was a little hard to start making a hole in the boat in order to get the cables through but it went smoother than I expected.

In the need for solar power

We are now sailing in the Carribean.
The boat is like most boats here: you are expected to run your engine two hours a day to charge your batteries.


The red version has a samewhat more organized layout of the hardware.

Red edition

But not ready for mass production.

Mechanical change

I rotated the display 180 degrees and got a whole new look.

16 bit AD

I found an quite good voltage, amp and amphours instrument. It does lack the ability to record top values for the amps.
So I fixed that with the old TI 2013 which has a 16 bit D/A that can manage  the low 0.25 mOhm measuring resistor

Voltage drop

Some mechanical progress

The flyport is housed in a package for toth picks, I like the small form factor.

Bootloader destroyed

After a longer rest I was to start the Flyport Pro and managed to destroy the bootloader.
I managed to put it back with a Pickit3, I will probably do this mistake some more times.

Voltage dipp

As I suspected the voltage from the battery makes a dip after a while.
I will try to find something suitable from inside the solar power regulator.

New peak

With an extra 25 watt panel I reached 7.8 amps.

Going into reset

It seems like the USB power supply sometimes drops its voltage forcing the CPU into reset when it wales up.
At the moment I don't have an oscilloscope to verify it.

All time high 6.4 amps


The measurements was going on quit well for little less than 12 hours when I acidently pulled the cord to the regulator.
The cord to the battery losened in a way I was not able to repair.
It is now running temporarely with a backup battery for USB devices.

Up and running with some faults

Does it fit

I assembled all the hardware except the cable to the sensors. So far everything fits in the box.


I am very happy with my on/off and wake up from sleep buttons. They are colour matched, it happened by accidence.


I am very happy with my on/off and wake up from sleep buttons. They are colour matched, it happened by accidence.

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