Apple Iphone & ARM Cortex
I have some ideas on making the measurements readable on an Iphone. Ideally this should be made with the new bluetooth low power standard. But to get something working I am considering to build a bridge between Zigbee an an existing bluetooth 1.0 device. I made a bluetooth interface 3 years ago which was readable on a Pocket PC.
After changing some batteries this was up and running. The Iphone does not recognice the bluetooth but I guess it is because the serial profile is not available. I have found a similar project using the same hardware so I beleive it is possible to get it running. I have to decide wether to go further with this at once or to wait until the standard has settled and there are more easy projects to start from.
I also purchased an ARM Cortex M0 development board from Embedded artist. This was just 20 Euros. At the moment this board seems more fun to start with
After changing some batteries this was up and running. The Iphone does not recognice the bluetooth but I guess it is because the serial profile is not available. I have found a similar project using the same hardware so I beleive it is possible to get it running. I have to decide wether to go further with this at once or to wait until the standard has settled and there are more easy projects to start from.
I also purchased an ARM Cortex M0 development board from Embedded artist. This was just 20 Euros. At the moment this board seems more fun to start with
ARM Cortex M0

The old bluetooth solution